Current Location: The Kite Runner >> Awards Received

Awards Received

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a critically acclaimed novel that has received numerous awards and nominations for its powerful storytelling and profound themes. Some of the notable accolades include:

1. **South African Boeke Prize (2004):** The novel was awarded the Boeke Prize, a prestigious South African literary award.

2. **Borders Original Voices Award for Fiction (2003):** The Kite Runner was recognized for its originality and impact in the fiction category.

3. **San Francisco Chronicle Best Book of the Year (2003):** The novel was listed as one of the best books of the year by the San Francisco Chronicle.

4. **Entertainment Weekly's Top Ten Fiction Picks of the Decade:** The novel was included in Entertainment Weekly's list of the top ten fiction books of the decade.

5. **ALA's Alex Award (2004):** The American Library Association awarded The Kite Runner the Alex Award, which recognizes books written for adults that have special appeal to young adults.

6. **Penguin/Orange Readers' Group Prize (2006):** The novel won this prize, which is awarded by a group of readers organized by the UK's Orange Prize for Fiction.

These awards, among others, highlight the novel's widespread acclaim and its impact on both readers and critics alike.